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[OSM] La fin du monde est pour 2012
Revue de presse du 16 Avril
Une fois n'est pas coutume, nous avons dû déroger à notre règle de publier la revue de presse le vendredi, l'équipe étant débordée. Ça valait le coup d'attendre: des news sympas cette semaine, nos coups de coeur sont la sortie de OpenLayers-Symbology qui permet de faire de l'analyse thématique et de MapStory qui permet de raconter des histoires.
Une nouvelle version de MapOSMatic
En septembre 2009, nous lançions MapOSMatic, un service Web libre et gratuit permettant d'effectuer à la demande le rendu de cartes de villes basées sur les données OpenStreetMap. Ces cartes, superposées d'une grille, sont associées à un index des rues facilitant leur localisation sur la carte.
Nous sommes fiers d'annoncer aujourd'hui le lancement d'une nouvelle version de MapOSMatic, qui est le résultat d'importants développements. Parmi les nouvelles fonctionnalités :
- Le rendu des cartes au format poster est maintenant réalisé sur des formats de papier standard de grande taille (A3, A2, A1, etc.), sélectionnés automatiquement en fonction de la taille de la ville, plutôt que des tailles arbitraires de papiers qui étaient difficiles à imprimer. Ces cartes au format poster sont similaires aux cartes pliées commerciales ;
- La possibilité d'effectuer le rendu de cartes multi-pages, où la carte et l'index des rues sont divisés en plusieurs pages, facilitant l'impression sur des formats de papier accessibles à tous (A5, A4, US Letter). Ces cartes multi-pages sont similaires aux petits atlas de villes commerciaux ;
- La possibilité de choisir différents styles pour le rendu de la carte. Jusqu'ici, nous ne proposions que le style par défaut du site OpenStreetMap.org. Nous y avions ajouté plusieurs feuilles de styles proposées par MapQuest, ainsi qu'une feuille de style spécifique adaptée à l'impression. Dans le futur, nous comptons ajouter d'autres styles, voire même offrir la possibilité aux utilisateurs de personnaliser le style de la carte. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter à ce sujet;
- La possibilité de choisir n'importe quelle ville dans le monde : dans la version précédente, nous étions limitées à des zones OpenStreetMap d'un niveau administratif fixé ;
- Et beaucoup, beaucoup d'autres améliorations moins importantes : qualité des rendus, meilleure interface utilisateur pour le rendu des cartes, affichage de la date des données OpenStreetMap sur la carte, etc.
MapOSMatic est un Logiciel Libre, distribué selon les termes de la licence Affero General Public License v3. Le projet est disponible au travers de dépôts Git, dispose d'une liste de discussion et d'un canal IRC. Pour les détails, voir notre page À propos, notre wiki et la page Savannah du projet.
En complément du lancement de cette nouvelle version, nous lançons également une campagne de dons. Notre projet est intégralement développé et maintenu par des bénévoles, mais nous avons besoin de financement pour couvrir l'achat de matériel et les frais de déplacement nécessaires à l'organisation des réunions des développeurs durant lesquelles la majorité des améliorations à MapOSMatic sont réalisées (voir notre blog). Si vous appréciez MapOSMatic, n'hésitez pas à donner au travers de Paypal.
Revue de presse de la semaine du 9 avril
Cette semaine beaucoup de sorties qui concordent avec la Whereconf 2012 ou le FOSS4G NA (North America) Les contributeurs OSM qui voulaient mapper les arbres en dehors de OSM vont avoir leur outil avec OpenTreeMap.
March 2012 MapOSMatic hackfest
Yesterday we concluded our March 2012 hackfest! After a first hackfest at the beginning of March in San Francisco, we gathered again in Rennes to work on MapOSMatic. You can read a summary of of our work on day 2, day 4, day 5, day 6 and day 7.
We made several extensions and bug fixes in MapOSMatic. The most significant one is that now we are able to automatically produce a booklet-type city map on several pages, with an overview page, 1/10,000 overlapping maps and a global index at the end. You can see an example for Rennes city (PDF, 13.8 MB).
Currently, the new MapOSMatic is only available on our development web site, limited to an old France import. Once a new import of the world OSM database will be finished, you'll can enjoy the booklet PDF maps worldwide. ;-)
[OSM] Rendus aquarelle et tramé
Coming MapOSMatic hackfest
New week, some of MapOSMatic contributors and developers will join Rennes for a one week MapOSMatic hackfest. We hope to fix the numerous bugs and feature requests we have! Stay tuned! ;-)
[Google] Google Map Maker en France
[OSM] daft.ie
Revue de presse de la semaine du 12 Mars
C'est une revue de presse riche en nouveautés que nous vous proposons cette semaine. En effet, nous avons fait le plein de sorties de logiciels avec notamment, OpenGeoSuite ou encore la nouvelle version de MapBender.
[OSM] Apple s'y met
Open Data 71 & Balades Vertes
Le Conseil Général de la Saône-et-Loire (71) a lancé son site Open Data depuis quelques temps déjà (septembre 2011). La Nuit des Cartes Vivantes 2012 (7 fev.) a été l’occasion d’un ballon d’essai avec l’extraction et l’exploitation des parcours des « Balades Vertes » et leur mise en valeur sous la forme d’une couche placée au-dessus du rendu Mapnik. Voici le résultat :
Juste pour faire court, voilà comment transformer le fichier original .shp en pointillés cliquables sur un fond OSM :
- Importer le fichier .shp dans une base Spatialite (en mémoire, par exemple) ;
- Transformer chaque ligne géographique (LINESTRING) en GeoJSON en prenant soin de conserver les autres attributs ;
- Sauvegarder le fichier .sqlite qui sera exporter sur le serveur LAMP qui va bien ;
- Ajouter une page HTML statique avec OpenLayers, plus un bonus PHP pour requêter la base SQLite et produire un flux full-geojson.
Et c’est ici en plein-écran : http://freeroute.fr/71
[OSM] Geocaching.com passe à OpenStreetMap
[WP7] Nokia Lumia 800 et Google Agenda - Problème de calendriers
A return to Haiti two years on
It is January 12th, 2012, 2 years after the quake, that I started my eighth trip to Haiti where HOT will partner with the Communauté OpenStreetMap Haiti (COSMHA). The project, STM0120, funded by USAID/OTI/HRI. This project aims at building a team of 30 youths from the communes of Saint Marc, Arcahaie and Cabaret as well as mapping the Saint Marc Development Corridor (SMDC) formed by those three communes in the course of the next three months.
The 12th of January is not an ordinary day in Haiti. One thinks about the dead, the injured, the damages, and those who survive, those who continue to live with this recent part of Haiti’s history. One is also forced to contemplate the tremendous effort of global and local unity at work in the immediate aftermath of the quake and after. Lastly, one looks ahead towards the reconstruction of Haiti to pursue and strengthen this solidarity.
The OSM project is one of the examples of this global solidarity at play after the quake in Haiti and now grounded in Haiti. The OSM response has been been timely, massive, relevant and continued. Today it results in a referenced base map which has been widely used by the broad humanitarian system, the government of Haiti and groups of the Civil Society during emergency response to the current early recovery phase. The map has been maintained mostly in Port-au-Prince metropolitan area, but also in Leogane, Jacmel and Gonaives by humanitarian groups, Haitian mappers from COSMHA, as well as international mappers active in Haiti. Paid projects such as humanitarian and baseline data surveys led by the International Organization of Migration ((IOM), the Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI) and Architecture for Humanity (AFH), working in partnership with Haitians from COSMHA and benefiting from various forms of support by HOT, generate incomes which in return allow for some the Haitian mappers to engage voluntarily in community-driven and self managed mapping projects such as Soley Leve and Tap Tap Map). Trainings form the second pillar of the OSM activity in country and have been largely happening from within IOM and UN facilities benefiting all player in the humanitarian system, the Government of Haiti and groups from Civil Society. Aside from those typical humanitarian facilities, the Resource Center of Haiti Communitere (HC) has gained a central position over the last year, offering COSMHA a lab from where meeting, training, designing, planning and implementing projects is possible. Through the facilitation of Jaakko Helleranta, the Ecole Supérieure d’infotronique d’Haïti (ESIH) has developed over the last months as another lab from which further OSM work can develop. Attention to shaping the future of OSM in Haiti guides HOT, COSMHA and internationals into discussing and designing projects around OSM training and data collection to make the system sustainable and grow the community.
The STM020 mapping project that HOT and COSMHA are about to start in Saint Marc results from a long project design phase that started last August between the two organizations and USAID/OTI/HRI. We’d like to thank the initial facilitation role played by Pascale Verly and Leonard Doyle with whom COSMHA and HOT has been working with IOM since a year ago. In the context of the second anniversary of 12-Jan , it’s rewarding for HOT to work on this project as a contractor of COSMHA which is the grantee of this project.
Both structures find in USAID/OTI/HRI a sound partner, understanding of OSM and willing through this project to assess the potential of its approach around building capacities through our Train The Trainer (TTT) scheme and baseline surveys and mapping in the context of local economic development.
A HOT/COSMHA team of ten supported in the initial three weeks by 3 trainers will be based in Saint Marc in a hub of their own both a workplace and a lodging center equipped with adequate hardware and furnished with the right logistics assets to train 30 Youths from the Saint Marc Development Corridor (SMDC) in the art of mapping ala OSM and altogether improve upon the base map of these three communes.
The project will be carried out in close cooperation with SDC communities to ensure relevance of the OSM map in the Corridor. This has been facilitated first hand through the initial ground work laid out by COSMHA, the territorial ties that Levekanpe, the local contractor of USAID/OTI/HRI, has developed in the area, and the 30 Youths representing the various communities from three section communales. Consultation, outreach, awareness, and map releases will be organized. HOT and COSMHA will also be attentively engaged with Local and National Authorities through similar outreach activitties and through ad hoc training based on available resources.
COSMHA and HOT seek to make of Saint Marc a hub for the development of OSM in Haiti and will use the community gained over the last two years within the Haitian GIS world to connect the Saint Marc Youths to the various uses of OSM that have been happening in Haiti, presenting lectures or hands-on sessions on topics such as Geography, crisis mapping, GIS applied to humanitarian, urban planning. This will be done with the view of replicating some successes in Saint Marc after the three months project. Asides from the Youths, what HOT is looking at is to grow the ability of COSMHA to manage such projects and be able to replicate it in a phase 2.0 with USAID/OTI/HRI. The project will also be a working ground for HOT with the hosting of volunteers and interns, who can be acquainted with field work and help the team to meet the challenge.
HOT also has a role to play in this mapping project from afar and after the initial set up the team will respond with ideas of engagement for those who are willing to step in.
Finally, to ensure the widest usability of the map of Saint Marc as well as enhancing the HOT toolsets, data download and web-visualization services will be built. Data download services will be developed to facilitate the generation of OSM extracts (osm, Spatialite and shapefile) based upon preset files. This will foster access to customized data extracts and facilitate the process for COSMHA to make the data resulting from its surveys and mapping accessible to all.
Plane landed a couple of hours ago in Ayiti, more soon.
HOT Collaboration with GIS Corps!
GIS Corps is joining together with HOT again for a join project. The first collaboration between HOT and GIS Corps occurred during the Samoa exercise that happened earlier this year. Once again we are joining forces to work mapping Padang City in Indonesia. GIS Corps is a volunteer organization that provides GIS Professionals as volunteers. They’ve been in existence since 2003 and have had about 2500 volunteers from 93 countries. We are are excited that 11 of their members are going to join us to help complete the Help Map for a Safer Padang Task (requires OpenStreetMap login). You can read a little bit more about those joining us, such as the countries they hail from on the GIS Corps website.
The goal of the effort is to map all the streets and buildings in Padang so that it can feed into risk models. The Australia-Indonesia Facility for Disaster Reduction (AIFDR) can then use this information as the exposure component for risk modeling. Others can potentially also additionally build on the data easily using Walking Papers in the future as well.
We look forward to moving forward on this. Thanks for the help GIS Corps!
Christmas donation from nestoria
Christmas donation from nestoria
Nestoria have given a very generous donation to the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
In a blog post CEO Ed Freyfogle explains:
“…rather than sending our clients and partners Christmas gifts, we’ve instead donated on their behalf to a project we believe has the potential to improve the lives of millions: the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT).”
What a great idea! The total amount was $2000 US. Huge thanks to nestoria, and to all of nestoria’s clients, for this Christmas gift. Nestoria, the property search engine, have been long-time supporters of OpenStreetMap, sponsoring the conferences and (as of recently) using OSM maps on all their sites.
We have fund-raising on our minds as we go into 2012. Significant sums of money often come in the form of funded projects, which present us with wonderful opportunities to get OpenStreetMap out there, but we also hope to raise more funds as with this donation, which give HOT some spending power in its own right, helping us to establish ourselves as an independent entity and allowing us to pursue our own goals more directly, perhaps even to fund our own deployments. Some announcements and more details of spending plans coming soon.